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The Greco Showroom Madrid


The Greco Showroom Madrid

Michael S Smith

Michael´s dream was to open an EU showroom and felt the best city would be Madrid, which would allow him to keep bonds and continue spending time in our magnificent country. It was late 2018 when he opened a corner in one of Madrid’s most reputed antique dealers, Cotanda. Michael’s love for antiques and beautiful fabrics seemed the best match to start the business.

With the corner’s success came greater needs, which is why in the summer of 2022 Michael S. Smith opened his own showroom, Greco Showroom.

We are here to help you

We are all proud and honored to work with Michael S. Smith. He is a hard worker and a source of continuous inspiration. His love for beauty, his obsession for proportion, his commitment to source for new artisans and his amazing personality makes us grateful for being part of his team.


Greco Furniture & Fabrics has a reverence for the past viewed through a modern eye. Furniture, fabric, and accessories crafted by the world’s finest artisans. Inspired by Michael’s personal archive of historic designs and reflecting his vision that everyone should live with beautiful things.

A visit is highly recommended. Besides Michael´s collections,  Jasper & Templeton, you´ll be able to find Carolina Irving, Namai Samay, Elizabeth Dow, Paris L’Après-Midi, Schuyler Samperton, Alice Sergeant, De Gournay, Rose Tarlow, Nicole Fabre, Mirror Image, Collier Webb, Jamb, Gordiola, Casa López and Sena Cifuentes, among other.

The fabrics are exhibited in 90 x 90cm samples.

Greco showroom presents the above-mentioned collections in a space that is as warm, welcoming and beautiful as the designs within.


Greco Furniture & Fabrics has a reverence for the past viewed through a modern eye. Furniture, fabric, and accessories crafted by the world’s finest artisans. Inspired by Michael’s personal archive of historic designs and reflecting his vision that everyone should live with beautiful things.

A visit is highly recommended. Besides Michael´s collections,  Jasper & Templeton, you´ll be able to find Carolina Irving, Namai Samay, Elizabeth Dow, Paris L’Après-Midi, Schuyler Samperton, Alice Sergeant, De Gournay, Rose Tarlow, Nicole Fabre, Mirror Image, Collier Webb, Jamb, Gordiola, Casa López and Sena Cifuentes, among other.

The fabrics are exhibited in 90 x 90cm samples.

Greco showroom presents the above-mentioned collections in a space that is as warm, welcoming and beautiful as the designs within.

Explore our collections

Everyone is Welcome
"Everyone should live with things they love furniture, fabric, and accessories crafted by the world’s finest artisans".

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